8 mg dilaudid is equivalent to what mg oxycontin

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question: if 1 mg of suboxone is equal to 20-30 mgs of hydrocodone Hydrocodone cp Hydrocodone hd Hydrocodone-ibuprofen Hydrocodone-phenylephrine hover_boxes.hoverize
Thread 1 mg suboxone is equal to __ mg.
question: if 1 mg of suboxone is equal to 20-30 mgs of hydrocodone would that be the same for oxycontin would 1 mg of sub be equal to 20-30 mgs oxy then? Thanks
What Is Stronger Dilaudid Or Oxycontin 40.
8 mg dilaudid is equivalent to what mg oxycontin
I have been on Dilaudid for over 2 years now and I can t seem to get off of it I m under a doctor s care but anyone who is on it knows it s very addicting I think

Oxycodone - Wikipedia, the free.
1 mg suboxone is equal to __ mg.
4mg Dilaudid Vs 80 Mg Oxycontin Er Filed in Dilaudid Hello~I'm on oxy 80's and dilaudid 4mgs which are prescribed for back pain. The oxys alone don't help at all.